Nesting time...

Well, it's a lovely saturday morning, and I was up nice and early so why not ease into the day with a cup of tea and check on the garden activities...

A pair of robins have decided to settle down in a plant pot only 7' from the house, which although very nice for us, we weren't sure of it's success with our Molly poking her nose in every few hours! Dog and birds seem to mutually get along now though. The robins are in and out of the nest frequently with bugs, I can't hear any 'tweets' but i imagine there's some movement in there.

While I'm stood at the back door with my camera on it's tripod, they're very wary and do little zig-zags across the garden until they're sure it's safe to scoot into the nest. 

While I'm stood at the back door with my camera on it's tripod, they're very wary and do little zig-zags across the garden until they're sure it's safe to scoot into the nest. 

Unfortunately they 'scoot' into the nest very quickly ..... before I'd managed to focus! I'll try again later for a better shot.

Unfortunately they 'scoot' into the nest very quickly ..... before I'd managed to focus! I'll try again later for a better shot.

The blue tits paid us a visit this morning too, I don't think these are the ones nesting on the wall, nice to see them though :)